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Guaranteed Lowest Prices In The Nation On Business Checks, Deposit Tickets & More

Banking Starter Kits Pricing & Quantities

Starter kits are the perfect way to expedite the launch of your business or to bundle products you continually order to save money.

Laser Starter Kits - Voucher Checks or 3 Per Page Checks

Checksforless.com® offers two different styles of laser/ ink jet business check starter kits. Please select from either a voucher check or a 3 Per Page check to begin the starter kit ordering process.
Kit includes:
300 Laser Business Checks: Laser Voucher (LV1) or 3-Per-Page format (LC3)
200 2-Part Deposit Tickets (BDT)
100 Self-Seal Envelopes (9379-SS)
1 Endorsement Stamp (ES1)

QuickBooks® Compatible Starter Kits

Perfect for businesses just beginning! Choose from 6 different check formats offered for Quickbooks.®
Kit includes:
400 QB Laser/Ink Jet Checks (LV1)
100 Printable Deposit Tickets (QBDT)
100 Self Seal Envelopes (9379-SS)

Executive Deskbook Starter Kits

Full-size business executive deskbook checks come with an easy to use register that replaces check stubs (three full size checks per page). These also eliminate sorting through multiple stubs to find a transaction.
Kit includes:
300 1-Part Executive Deskbook Checks (EDC-R)
1 3-Ring Black Deskbook Binder (DEB-R)
200 2-Part Deposit Tickets (BDT)
1 Endorsement Stamp (ES1)
1 Check Register

General Expense Starter Kits

Made for a 7 ring binder, the three per page checks are great for keeping track of general expenses. The stub allows plenty of room to record important details.
Kit includes:
300 1-Part General Expense Checks (MCD)
1 7-Ring Deskbook Binder (7RB)
200 2-Part Deposit Tickets (BDT)
1 Endorsement Stamp (ES1)

Compact Deskbook Starter Kits

All the features of a deskbook check in a personal size check! Full size check register eliminates sorting through multiple stubs to find transactions.
Kit includes:
300 1-Part Compact Manual Checks (CDC)
1 3- Ring Compact Deskbook binder (DCB)
200 2-Part Deposit Tickets (BDT)
1 Endorsement Stamp (ES1)
1 Check Register

Depository Starter Kits

Perfect for business who would like to try tamper evident deposit bags.
Kit includes:
200 2- Part Deposit Tickets (BDT)
200 9x12 Single Pouch Bags (912DB)
1 "For Deposit Only" Stock Stamp

One-Write Starter Systems - 190 Cash Disbursement System

Great for the start-up business and on-the-go professionals who want fast, accurate bookkeeping information. End-of-year calculations are a breeze. Starter kit checks are available only in Brick Style; Blue, Green, Gray, Gold, or brown.
Checks Envelopes Journals Pegboards Single Checks Duplicate Checks
150 100 10 1 $216.95 $225.95
300 250 20 1 $247.95 $266.95

Our Guarantees
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
100% Software Compatibility
Fast Turnaround Times

Customer Service Available
Monday through Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm ET
Ph: 800.245.5775 Fax: 800.893.0177
Email: info@checksforless.com
200 Riverside Industrial Pkwy, Portland ME 04103